- Nantucket Intermediate School
- Teacher Bio

Phone: 508-228-7290 ext 4204
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts Interpersonal Communication University of New Hampshire Masters in Special Education Bridgewater State University
Seth Kearns
Hello,my name is Seth Kearns. I am a washashore from New Hampshire. I was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and attended University New Hampshire, majoring in Communications. I later received my Masters in Special Education from Bridgewater State College. This is currently my seventeenth year of living and teaching on Nantucket Year round. I have worked with all ages and ability levels preschool through High School, but my primary focus has been elementary education. For the past eight years, I have been the lead teacher for the Options Program/classroom. The focus of this classroom is to provide specialized instruction for students with social/emotional needs.