A Message from CPS Principal Michael Horton and Assistant Principal Adriene Lombardi

  • Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year.

    On behalf of the faculty and front office staff, we are excited to welcome all of our students and families to the 2023-2024 school year!  Our CPS staff is looking forward to seeing your students in our halls and are ready to support their academic and social emotional growth.

    During the school  year, parent updates are sent out regularly through email as well as posted on our CPS page of the district’s website: www.npsk.org.  We hope to grow our family involvement this year through CPS School Council work as well as Parent Coffees, Student Exhibition Nights and Open House.  CPS Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 28th at 5:30pm. 

    This year our school will be adopting Responsive Classroom by reinforcing and practicing important skill sets of social emotional competencies: cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy and self-control as well as an academic mindset of perseverance.  Through Responsive Classroom and best teaching practices, students will also be learning strategies and academic behaviors that will help them through these adolescent years.  

    We have a strong team of teachers and support staff to help guide our students to gain independence and build their student voice.  We are here to support our CPS families and look forward to a great school year! 

    Michael Horton                      Adriene Lombardi 
    CPS Principal                          CPS Assistant Principal
    hortonm@npsk.org               lombardia@npsk.org
    508-228-7283  x1401               508-228-7283  x1403