Aspen Family Connection

  • Dear Parent/Guardian, 

    The Nantucket Public Schools has launched a new student registration and verification application in the Aspen Student Information System. As a parent of student(s) in the school district you will be verifying the data in your student(s) records. This is in place of the annual forms for demographic, contact and medical data as well as the blanket field trip form, media release form and network account agreement. Please note, that even if you student(s) data is correct you must still confirm the three forms and click submit at the end. This will send your verification to Aspen and notify the school office that you have completed to process.

    To log in, Log into Aspen with your parent account, click on the link on the Pages tab and then click on the link below. The new software will open in its own window. If you have difficulty logging in, have forgotten your login credentials or don’t see the Family Connection link on your Pages page in the Aspen Parent Portal please submit a support ticket to the Aspen Help Desk. This can be reached by navigating to Aspen from any of the school pages, selecting Aspen from the Parent Information tab and selecting Aspen Help Desk or clicking on this link .


Aspen General Information

  • Aspen Parent Portal

    Nantucket Public Schools would like to introduce you to our web-based school information management system, Aspen. This password protected family and student portal will help to make communication among students, parents, teachers, and administrators more efficient.

    As we use this tool, parents and students will be able to access online progress and grade reports, attendance records, and student schedules. Eventually, this product will provide access to student registration forms, emergency contacts, course requests, and transcripts. Aspen provides teachers with the ability to share additional course information such as syllabi, study guides, class documents, assignments, homework, scheduled assessments, class updates, and assignment grades.

    Although we strongly encourage teachers to post assignment grades soon after grading, our initial expectation is that teachers will post grades at each mid-term and at the end of each term. Teachers are at different levels in learning how to incorporate this portal into their practice. As a result of this variation, individual teachers may provide more information than others.

    If you have more than one student in the Nantucket Public Schools, you will only need one Aspen account and login to access the information related to each of your children.

    Students will also have portal access. Each student will receive a separate set of instructions and a unique activation code. Student access will be limited solely to their individual information.