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We look forward to seeing you!

Save the Date(s)

  • Kindergarten Sign-Up
    Wednesday, January 17 and Thursday January 18
    If you cannot attend, please contact the NES front office.

    Kindergarten Registration Appointment
    Rolling appointments mid-March through mid-April

    Getting to Know You Day
    Wednesday, May 8
    Parents & Children MUST attend.

Required Documents

  • Parents and Guardians MUST provide the following documents PRIOR TO OR DURING their registration appointment. 

    Printable List - English
    Lista Imprimible - Español (p2)
    Lista imprimível - Português


    • Child's birth certificate
    • Photo ID of Parent/Guardian 
      • Driver's License
      • State ID
      • Passport
      • Military ID card
    • Physical Health Exam, signed by a physician within the last 12 months
    • Immunization record
    • Lead test

    Evidence of Residency (submit ONE document from the list below) 

    • MA Driver's License with Nantucket Address
    • Copy of Deed and/or record of most recent mortgage payment
    • Copy of Lease AND record of most recent rent payment
    • Town of Nantucket Annual Census Form aka Street Listing)
    • Legal affidavit from landlord confirming tenancy
    • Section 8 Housing agreement
    • Affidavit of residency

    Evidence of Occupancy (submit ONE document from the list below dated within the last 60 days) 

    • Utility bill (i.e. gas, electric, oil, water, sewer, home telephone, Cable TV) 
    • Payroll Stub
    • Bank or credit card statement
    • W2
    • Tax bill (i.e. property or excise) 
    • Current vehicle registration
    • Insurance bill (home, rental, health/medical)
    • Letter from an approved agency (i.e. Social Security, WIC, SNAP, disability) 

     If Applicable

    • Massachusetts Transfer Card
    • Special Education Documents (Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan) 
    • Legal Guardianship Documentation
      • Copy of Mittimus or court/agency papers
      • Proof that adult is seeking guardianship 

Kindergarten Preparedness

  • Start making changes now!

    Early bedtimes
    Consistent routines
    Daily reading and storytelling
    Monitor behavior
    Bathrooming self without assistance
    Eat without assistance
    Know the alphabet
    Know how to spell their name

    Practice independent tasks:
    Tying shoes
    Zipping coats
    Cleaning up after activities

Registration FAQs

  • CLICK HERE General Kindergarten Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: I won't be on island in January. Can I submit everything in advance to hold a space for my child? 
    A: Please contact the Registrar. She will assist you in making your Registration and Getting to Know You appointments.

    Q: Why do I have to make a registration appointment if I attended in January?
    A: Kindergarten Information Nights (in January) are an interest-based sign-up. Families are welcome to come see classrooms, meet teachers, speak with the principals, school nurse, and reading and math specialists. Families will also make a Registration and Screening appointment for their children.

    Q: What is the difference between Registration and Getting to Know You?
    A: Registration is a 45-minute meeting with the Registrar to review important information about your child. This will include gathering information about them, emergency contacts, home language history, medical history, and an explanation about the permission forms. Getting to Know You Day is in May for all incoming Kindergartners. This will be a 50-minute meeting. Children will be in a classroom with a teacher and other students. We will observe them in a morning-meeting gathering as they interact with one another. Teachers will also administer a basic evaluation to help us understand their learning level.

    Q: What if I don't know if my child will be attending NES in the fall? 
    A: Register anyway! We plan for the fall in the spring after we have done all registration appointments. It is much better for us (and easier for you) to plan in the spring for your child to attend than over the summer when most placements have already been finalized.

    Q: Will I get to request who my child's teacher is? 
    Q: Can I request my child be placed with their friend? Can I ask them NOT to be placed with another child?
    A: We do not assign teachers to students during the spring. However, we do assign students to groups. These groupings are based on information we gather from you both during your registration appointment as well as information you provide to the Principal directly. We do not make any promises, but we do appreciate any feedback you may have about setting your child up for success. You can let us know of any friends your child may get along with (or get along too well with) as well as any conflicts they may have with another student.

    Q: When do I hear who my child's teacher is? 
    A: Two weeks prior to the start of school you will be mailed and emailed a packet with this information. 

    If your child isn't in PreK, please consider Kindergarten Boost and/or Ready Set School through the Nantucket Community School.

    Q: What do I need to bring to the Registration Appointment? 
    A: At least one parent or guardian should be present at the appointment WITH the child. Documentation that has not yet been submitted to the Registrar should be brought to the appointment.

    Q: What does technology use look like in the classroom? What is in the Kindergarten Curriculum?
    A: For specific questions, you can reach out to the Kindergarten Team Lead Teacher, Taylor Murphy, at murphyt@npsk.org.

    Q: My child is born right after the age cutoff of September 1, 2017. Can I still apply for Kindergarten?
    A: The September 1, 2017 deadline is a hard deadline. If your child is born on September 1, 2017 or after, they do not meet the age requirement for Kindergarten. If you would like them to attend NES, please contact the front office to have them put on the waitlist for PreK. 

    Q: Do I need to pay for Kindergarten? 
    A: Not at the Nantucket Public Schools! 

    The Nantucket Public Schools welcomes all children who are five prior to September 1, 2017. This is regardless of immigration status.

General Expectations

  • School Day
    7:45 am - 2:20 pm Monday-Friday

    How to communicate with the school
    Remind text messages to teachers
    Call 508-228-7290

    Pick-up and Drop-off
    Off of Backus Lane
    Families are welcome to park in "VISITOR" Spots - please do not park in numbered spots. 
    DO NOT use the Surfside Road or First Way Parking Lots

    After School Plans
    Family pick-up
    Bus home
    Nantucket Community School Extended Day

    Absence Policy
    Children who are sick should not come to school BUT you MUST report your child's absence. 
    Call or email the front office and notify the child's teacher. 
    If you will be taking an extended vacation or need to travel off island, let the office know when you know what your plans are.

    Food at school
    NES offers Breakfast and Lunch
    Menus are posted on our Food Services Website
    Students can either get lunch from the Cafe or bring from home
    All students should bring a snack and reusable water bottle 
    NO NUT PRODUCTS we have students with dangerous nut allergies