Massachusetts Department of Public Health Requirements for School Enrollment

  • Immunizations Requirements 

    Kindergarten through Grade 5

    • DTAP/DTP - 5 doses
    • Polio (IVP/OVP) - 4 doses - the minimal age for the last dose is on or after the 4th birthday.  Some children may receive more than 4 doses if they received combination shots, but they are still required to have a booster shot of IVP on or after they turn 4.
    • MMR - 2 doses
    • Hepatitis B - 3 doses - the last dose must be given no earlier than 24 weeks of age - some children may receive 4 doses if combination shots were given.
    • Varicella - 2 doses 
    • Influenza vaccine yearly - This is highly recommended, not currently required. 



    • DTaP/DTP - 4 doses
    • Polio (IVP/OVP) - 3 doses
    • MMR - 1 dose
    • Hepatitis B - 3 doses
    • Varicella - 1 dose
    • Hib - 3 or 4 doses
    • Influenza vaccine yearly- This is highly recommended, not currently required. 

    Additional immunizations recommended by the MDPH for pre-school children:

    • 4 or more doses of Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine (PCV)
    • 2 doses of Hepatitis A vaccine
    • 3 doses of rotavirus vaccine

    Massachusetts Immunization regulations Regulations 

     Physical Examination

    A physical examination by a licensed physician is required for all children entering:

    • Preschool
    • Kindergarten
    • 4th grade
    • students new to the school system

    Mass General Law 105 child's 200.000. Physical Examination of School Children

     Lead Test

    A lead test is required for all children in preschool and kindergarten.

     Call the hospital laboratory for an appointment.  Bring the card to school for inclusion in your child's health record.

    Lead Poisoning

    Exposure to lead may cause serious health problems.  This is especially true for infants and small children because their young bodies more readily absorb and retain lead.  Each year in the U.S. over 300,000 1-to-5 year-olds are found to have unsafe levels of lead in their blood.  This can cause a wide range of symptoms including headaches, stomach pains, anemia, behavioral problems and developmental delay.

    Lead poisoning occurs primarily from exposure to lead-based paint.  Although it has been banned in this country since 19778, some children are still exposed to lead-based paint in older homes, primarily from eating paint chips.  In addition, a number of countries continue to use lead-based pain in products they make and import into the U.S.  Examples include toys, jewelry, and sports and hobby items.  Other environmental areas that may be potential sites of lead exposure are contaminated soil, water that flows through old lead pipes or faucets, food stored in bowls glazed or painted with lead and some cosmetics.

    Treatments for lead poisoning vary due to how much lead is in the blood.  Small amounts can be easily treated.  Children exposed to extremely high levels of lead will need medication to rid the body of lead.  The principal goal of any therapy is the reduction of lead exposure.  For more information, please, visit the site below. 

    Information on Lead Poisoning from the Mayo Clinic

     Immunization Waivers

    Immunization waivers are accepted for medical or religious reasons only.  No other exemptions are allowed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.  As a public school, we are required to follow these regulations. 

    To receive an immunization waiver:

    • an appropriate letter documenting your child's medical or religious exemption is required.
    • A medical exemption is granted for a child who has suffered an adverse reaction from a vaccine and must be accompanied by a letter from a physician.
    • A religious exemption is granted to anyone whose religious beliefs preclude participation in the immunization program.  The waiver must be written and signed by the parent stating that immunizations are against your "sincere religious beliefs".

    Philosophical exemptions are not accepted.

    There is no exemption for the physical examination.