- Nantucket Elementary School
- N.E.S Peanut Policy
N.E.S. Peanut Allergy Policy
- The child's classroom will be peanut/nut-free.
- Snacks eaten in the classroom will not contain nuts or peanuts
- Children who bring snacks containing nuts/peanuts will eat them in the activity space and wash their hands before returning to the classroom.
- A peanut/nut-free table will be provided in the cafeteria for children with nut/peanut allergies.
- Friends or classmates may eat at the peanut-free tables as long as they don't have peanut/nut products in their lunch.
- Children will be encouraged to wash their hands after eating to reduce the potential of cross-contamination of common materials in the school community (keyboards, balls, playground equipment, instruments, etc.)
- Tables will be cleaned with soap, water, and paper towels after each lunch.
- If your child has eaten peanut gutter, peanuts, or nuts before coming to school, please, have them wash their hands to help prevent accidental cross-contamination of common items.
- An Epi-pen or Epi-pen Jr. will be available in the nurse's office for each child with a known peanut/nut allergy.
- An Emergency Action Care Plan should be signed by both the parent and the physician and kept on file in the nurse's office.
- Staff members will be trained in the administration of the Epi-pen/Epi-pen Jr.