Section |
Policy Code |
Policy Name |
Rules and Procedures |
Summary |
View Policy |
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EB |
Safety Program |
The School Committee will guard against such occurrences by taking every possible precaution to protect the safety of all students, employees, visitors and others present on school property or at school-sponsored events. |
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Preventive Measures for Lyme Disease for the Nantucket Public Schools |
EBA-R-3 |
The district will provide basic information to the students and parents through the school nurse or the staff on preventive measures relating to ticks. |
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Pest Management Policy |
The School District will implement integrated pest management procedures for its buildings and grounds. |
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First Aid |
If an accident or sudden illness occurs, school personnel will administer first aid and, if warranted, call Emergency Medical Services (911). |
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Emergency Plans |
The Superintendent will develop and maintain plans that meet the requirements of state law for preparedness in case of fire, civil emergencies, and natural disasters. |
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Emergency Closings |
In making the decision to close schools, the Superintendent will consider many factors, including the principal ones relating to the fundamental concern for the safety and health of the children. |
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Face Masks |
Committed to providing a safe environment as schools reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to public health experts, one of the best ways to stop the spread of coronavirus is the use of face masks. In accordance with guidance from the CDC and Department of Elementary & Secondary Education and Mass Department of Public Health, the following requirements are in place until further notice |
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Buildings and Grounds Management |
The supervision over the care and safekeeping of property used by the school department will be the general responsibility of the Superintendent. |
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Buildings and Grounds Security |
The Nantucket Public Schools is committed to and responsible for maintaining a healthy, safe and secure educational environment and community center. |
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Vandalism |
The Superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press the charges against perpetrators of vandalism against school property, and is further authorized to delegate, as he/she sees fit, authority to sign such complaints and to press charges. |
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Security Cameras in School |
The School Committee authorizes the use of security cameras in school district buildings and on its property to ensure the health, welfare and safety of all students, staff and visitors. |
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Energy Conservation |
It is the policy of the School Committee that all reasonable efforts to reduce energy costs in the school shall be undertaken under the direction of the superintendent. |
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Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials |
Permission to use school equipment may be granted by the Superintendent upon request by responsible parties or organizations. |
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Student Transportation Services |
The school system will contract for transportation services. |
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Walkers and Riders |
Students will be entitled to transportation to and from school at the expense of the public schools when such transportation conforms to applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws. |
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School Bus Safety Program |
The safety and welfare of student riders will be the first consideration in all matters pertaining to transportation. |
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Student Conduct On School Busses |
Parents and students will be informed of these regulations at the beginning of each school year, and parents will be asked to return signed forms indicating that the regulations have been received and read. |
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Student Transportation in Private Vehicles |
When buses are not available, private vehicles may be permitted to transport students to or from school activities that fall within the academic day or extend the school day under certain conditions. |
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Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds |
No motor vehicle operator shall cause or allow any motor vehicle operated by him or her on school grounds to idle unnecessarily. |
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School Owned Vehicles |
In an effort to reduce the Town & County of Nantucket's fuel consumption and energy costs, the School Committee hereby adopts a policy to purchase fuel efficient vehicles to meet this goal. |
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Free and Reduced Price Food Services |
The school system will take part in the National School Lunch Program and other food programs that may become available to assure that all children in the schools receive proper nourishment. |
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Collection of Money for Food Services |
The District may pursue legal means to recoup money owed, as well as the cost of collection. |
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Copyright Compliance |
TheSchool System will take reasonable steps to ensure that copyright material is protected. |