Department of Special Services

  • The Department of Special Services meets the diverse needs of students by providing support in their academic, social and emotional endeavors, through a variety of accommodations, modifications and specialized instruction.

    Nantucket Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, homelessness, or disability in programs, activities or employment.

    Debra Gately
    Director of Special Services, McKinney Vento, Title IX & Civil Rights Coordinator

    Sherri Lewis
    Coordinator of Student Support & Social Emotional Learning, Section 504 & Home/Hospital Tutoring Coordinator  

    Michelle Cadavid
    Special Services Coordinator

    Jennifer Laredo
    School Psychologist

    Sarah Holton-Roth
    School Psychologist

    Alenny Villa
    Administrative Assistant to the Director
    508-228-7285 x1355

    Monica Marsh
    ESP for SPED & Compliance
    508-228-7285 x2181

    Cecilia Gutierrez Salazar
    ESP SPED for Interpretation/Translation & Special Ed Transportation
    508-228-7285 x2182

    Jeynny Vargas 
    ESP for Compliance - NES & NIS
    508-228-7285 x2184

    Helena Hubova 
    ESP for Compliance - CPS & NHS
    508-228-7285 x2183

    Contact Information
    Office:  Nantucket Elementary School
    30 Surfside Road 
    Nantucket,  MA 02554
    Office Hours:  Monday - Friday,  7:30 am - 3:30 pm
    Phone:  508.228.7285  ext. 1355
    Fax:  508.825.2062

Nantucket Elementary School

  • Pathways Preschool Teachers - Jaimie Collum, Juliette DaSilva, Samantha Lee, Tina Steadman, & Claire Poulin (IDSC)

    Kindergarten - Nicollette Santiago & Isabella Devitt (IDSC)

    Grade 1 - Sarah Dugas & Ian Stewart (IDSC)

    Grade 2 - Blythe Purdin & Kara Evans (IDSC)

    School Counselors - Jennifer Williams & Heidi Smith

    Social Worker - Madeleine Sybert

Nantucket Intermediate School

  • Grade 3 - Marissa Fossa

    Grade 4 - Sarah Gault

    Grades 5 - Shelly Brannigan

    Grades 4/5 - Laura Ubaldino

    Options - Seth Kearns

    IDSC - Sarah Dalzell & Tracy Quidley

    School Counselors - Rachel Foulkes & Katie Manchester

    School Social Worker - Emily Sybert

Cyrus Peirce Middle School

  • Grade 6 - Amber Wilkins

    Grade 6/7/8 - Elizabeth Weber

    Grade 7/8 - Alyssa Billings

    Grade 7/8 - Mark Gonnella

    Reading 6/7/8 - Theran Singleton

    IDSC - Casey Cordone

    Options - Marita Scarlett

    School Counselors - Pamela Pellegrino, Julie Salisbury, & Melissa Lake 

    Social Worker - Nicole Sandoval

Nantucket High School

  • Nicole Gross 

    Stephanie Hirschmann

    Monique Malloy

    Kylie Murphy

    Linda Reed

    Michelle Vamosi

    Cara Seal (ISDC)

    Educational Success Program - Andrew Viselli 

    Guidance Counselors - Yuliya Chumak, Courtney Foster & Chris Miemiec

    Social Worker - Julie Kingston

    Bridge Program Counselor (9-12) - Allen Traviglione 

    Tier III Counselor - Skylar Campbell

Related Service Providers

  • Speech/Language Therapists - Fred Durand, Emily Sylvia, Teodora Veleva & Kathryn Holcek 

    Occupational Therapists - Ashley Reuss & Alexis Wurzburg-Smith & Sarah Poitras

    Physical Therapist - Lexus McAlister (through Oct. 2024)

    Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) - Laura Stanley 

    District Transition Specialist - Jennifer Christiansen

    Out of District Special Educational Liaison - Alyssa Billings