ELL Department

  • ELL Department Mission Statement

    To advance academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality instruction, WIDA based standards, assessments, research, and continued professional development for educators.

    To be the most trusted resource for the education and advancement of English Language Learners at Nantucket High School.

    We follow WIDA's Can Do Philosophy: believing in the assets, contributions, and potential of linguistically diverse students

    Collaboration: facilitating interaction among educators, state and local educational agencies, researchers, policy-makers, and experts worldwide

    Innovation: drawing from research and practice to find the best solutions for students and educators

    Service: exceeding expectations with friendly and knowledgeable support of our ELL population and collaborating faculty and administrators.

    English Language Learners Staff

    Devin Durand

    Maryia Rubina

    Robyn Forslund