- Nantucket High School
- Teacher Bio

Phone: 508-228-7280 ext. 1220
Degrees and Certifications:
Emmanuel College Bachelors of Science & Elementary Ed. University of Massachusetts Boston Masters in Special Education
Ms. Jessica Townsend
Thank you for taking the time to read more about me! My name is Jessica Townsend. This is my fifth year teaching at Nantucket High School and tenth year teaching. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to become an elementary school teacher. That is exactly what I did for the first five years of my teaching career. I was presented with the opportunity to teach at Nantucket High School. Everyone said I was going to love it. Obviously, I do! Who wouldn’t love working with such talented and aspiring students each day? Not to mention the amazing teachers that I get to co-teach with on a daily basis.
My classroom is a place where I want all students to feel welcomed, valued and successful. I teach a Reading and Study Skills and another Study Skills course. It is my hope that with support and scaffolding students find success and learn to advocate for themselves. I enjoy observing students come in their freshman year and continue to grow and mature throughout their time at NHS.