"Find Who You Are And Follow Your Own Path."
  • "Find Who You Are And Follow Your Own Path."

Guidance Department

  • Welcome to the NHS Guidance Department

    In hopes of promoting financial literacy, in Annuity.org we have created what we believe to be the most comprehensive, easy-to-read guide for students on the internet. Our page covers topics like how student loans work, sticking to a budget, planning for the future, and much more. Please take a look at our student guide below: https://www.annuity.org/financial-literacy/students/ 

    2021 School Profile 




    Julia Chumak, M.Ed.
    School Counselor for students with the last name A-F
    x1219, chumakj@npsk.org

    Courtney M. Foster, M.Ed.
    School Counselor for students with the last name G-M
    x1167, fosterc@npsk.org

    Chris Miemiec, M.A.
    School Counselor for students with the last name N-Z
    x1207, miemiecc@npsk.org

    Melissa Kiamie
    Administrative Assistant
    x1209, kiamiem@npsk.org


What's Happening in Guidance