- Nantucket High School
- Guidance
"Find Who You Are And Follow Your Own Path."
Guidance Department
Welcome to the NHS Guidance Department
In hopes of promoting financial literacy, in Annuity.org we have created what we believe to be the most comprehensive, easy-to-read guide for students on the internet. Our page covers topics like how student loans work, sticking to a budget, planning for the future, and much more. Please take a look at our student guide below: https://www.annuity.
org/financial-literacy/ students/ Julia Chumak, M.Ed.
School Counselor for students with the last name A-F
x1219, chumakj@npsk.orgCourtney M. Foster, M.Ed.
School Counselor for students with the last name G-M
x1167, fosterc@npsk.orgChris Miemiec, M.A.
School Counselor for students with the last name N-Z
x1207, miemiecc@npsk.orgMelissa Kiamie
Administrative Assistant
x1209, kiamiem@npsk.org
What's Happening in Guidance
Junior College Night Recording
In order to watch the PowerPoint Presentation, please put the PowerPoint into Presentation Mode. The Presentation should start automatically and make sure to adjust your volume to be able to hear the audio. Also, don't forget to access the accompanying Junior Summer to Do List, which is accessible below