- Nantucket High School
- Teacher Bio

Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Computer Systems Engineering M.Ed. Curriculum and Teaching Ph.D. Computer Science
Dr. Jed Williams
Hi! I teach mathematics and computer science (and sometimes physics) here at Nantucket High School. I was previously the Science Department Head (2008-2010) and the Mathematics Department Head (2014-2017).
In August 2020, the White House and National Science Foundation named me as an awardee of the Presidential Awards in Mathematics and Science Teaching, representing Massachusetts in the subject of Mathematics.
In 2019, I was named one of Massachusetts' aMAzing educators as a finalist for the Presidental Awards in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
In 2017, Team Whalers became finalists and award winners in the NASA Space Robotics Challenge.
In 2011 I was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate STEM Fellowship in K-12 education and worked with Professors Ron Eglash and Mukkai Krishnamoorthy on Culturally Situated Design Tools (CSDT). This work involved developing software tools to connect mathematics students with truly authentic cultural experiences. I worked with teachers in Albany Public Schools to implement our STEM programs.