Homeschooling on Nantucket

  • If you plan to home school your child on Nantucket, please review the following School Committee Policies. 

    Prior to removing the child from school, parents/guardians must submit a notification of intent to home school to the Superintendent 14 days before the program is established and resubmit notification on an annual basis as long as the child or children are being educated in the home-based environment.

    The parent must certify in writing the name, age, and place of residence and numbers of hours of attendance of each child in the program.

    Please understand that the homeschooling requirements may include: 

    1. The proposed curriculum and the number of hours of instruction in each of the proposed subjects.
    2. The competency of the parents to teach the children.
    3. The textbooks, workbooks, and other instructional aids to be used by the children and the lesson plans and teaching manuals to be used by the parents. 
    4. Periodic standardized testing of the children to ensure educational progress and the attainment of minimum standards. 

    In the event that a child moves off-island, please notify the Office of the Central Registrar

    Please make an appointment with Mellisa Devitt regarding your home school application.

    SAMPLE Home School Letter of Intent Forms


    Additional Resources

    Commonwealth Virtual Schools (Grades K-12)

    TECCA Connections Academy (Commonwealth Virtual School)

    Greenfield Commonwealth Virtual School (Commonwealth Virtual School)