- Nantucket High School
- Introduction to Psychology
- Getting to Know Yourself
As part of this course, students will be engaging in activities and discussions that will help them understand themselves at a much deeper level. They will be exploring the important and influential people in their lives, their values, their past accomplishments and their future plans. While students are encouraged to both take these exercises seriously and to participate in the discussions, due to the very personal nature of many of them, no one is required to participate in the discussions and none of these will be graded or collected. The exercises below are just some of the ones we will be using on our exploration of ourselves.
A Long Life and a Merry One
A High Score
Am I someone Who . . ?
What if . . ?
Values Chart
A Matter of Pride
Interacting Opposites
Who Comes to My House?
Take Shelter!
Wonder Workers
Baker's Dozen
Madison Avenue
What's in My Wallet?
Coat of Arms
Circles of Privacy
Who Are All Those Others? And what are they going in my life?
Chairman of the Board
Magical Mystery Boxes