CP United States History II

  • Welcome to the Home Page for my College Prep United States History II courses. This page will tell you most of what you need to know about any of the three (3) sections I am teaching this year. Anything that is class specific will appear on the sub-page for that class. Each of my classes are colored-coded:

    -----> Class 1 : Green : meets Block 1 Tue through Fri [does not meet on Mondays]

    -----> Class 2 : Blue : meets Block 1 Mon and Block 2 Wed through Fri [does not meet on Tuesdays]

    -----> Class 4 : Red: meets Block 2 Mon through Wed and Block 4 Fri [does not meet on Thursdays]


    *This United States History course covers the period from approximately 1920 to the modern day. Students will get an introduction to the key concepts and events during this time. The use of primary sources, including written, visual, audio, and video, will be extensively examined. This course is a survey of United States history. We will be going at a fairly quick pace, please make sure you keep up.

    This year I will be teaching this course in a thematic approach. By doing it this way, students will also be able to review some material from United States History I and also ensure students get to see what is happening today.

    *Since this is the first time teaching the course in a thematic way, students will have an opportunity to have input on what themes will be covered and even have the opportunity to help design the lessons and activities. I have listed some of the potential themes below. 

    -----> Time and Place

    -----> Presidents and Politics

    -----> Entertainment

    -----> War and Peace

    -----> Immigration

    -----> Technology and Innovation

    -----> Business and Labor

    -----> America in World Affairs

    -----> Civil Rights

    -----> ?????


    *Students will be engaged in many short research projects. These could include exploring such topics as music, photographs, geography, film and television, radio, etc.


    *Students will also be required to work through a number of Document Based Questions (DBQs). Some of these include:

    -----> "What Caused the Great Depression?"

    -----> "Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?"

    -----> "What Made Cesar Chavez an Effective Leader?"